North Forks
Tuning Forks
in Canada
The tuners collective that I started wanted to find a less expensive way to get other practitioners and our client tuning, because after exchange rate premiums, importing tax, and limited shipping options, the cost calculation was prohibitive. I searched in Canada for a source that could make high quality machined parts in small batches for a reasonable price, but they couldn’t offer any economy based on their operation and overhead costs.
Next I contacted a trusted former supply partner from California who I knew had the technology and capability to create the product, but wasn’t sure they could work in small batches. Although the price wasn’t what we’d hoped for, it was still less than we would have paid to purchase from the Biofield Tuning online consumer store.
I’ve heard the phrase ‘evolve or die’. In our case it would be more accurate to say be flexible or it might not start. We’re happy with how the North Forks brand is working in our treatment rooms and creating positive client experiences. We think you’ll feel the same.
North ForksTuning Forks
Visit my partner website ( to purchase biofield tuning forks and accessories.